The Calvary | Ayto. de Almudaina
965 51 42 67 - Carrer de les Moreres, 9, 03827 Almudaina, Alacant

The Calvary


Going up the Santísimo Cristo Street, you reach the Calvary, steep slope clothed with cypresses that ends with a Hermitage, that of the Santísimo Cristo del Socorro. It is one of the most beautiful landscapes of the town. The chapel of the Santísimo Cristo del Socorro is a small building with a dome, with a sacristy on the right side, from which you access a high gallery that overlooks the nave of the enclosure. In the apse, inside a niche of the altarpiece, is the precious and beautiful image, in wood carving, of the Christ of Socorro and, at its feet, the Painful one of half body. The exterior, like the interior, is of great decorative simplicity.


Ubicación en el mapa

El Calvari